Sweet Gone South Read online

Page 3

  “The laundry situation is fine,” he said.

  “Really?” She wrinkled her brow a little more.

  “Let’s go upstairs.” He was not in the business of giving reassurance — especially since he didn’t know if he even wanted the place.

  She pointed to the back door. “There’s a covered parking pad out back. I park there, but there’s another space for you.”

  Across the hall, next to the kitchen, was a large room alive with activity. A woman who looked to be in her mid-thirties sat at a computer and three teenagers were packing boxes to be shipped. None of them were dressed in bizarre candy print clothes. Lanie stuck her head in the room.

  “Hey, everybody. How’s it going, Allison?”

  “Great.” The woman at the computer looked up. “Today’s orders are gone and we’re getting a head start on tomorrow’s.”

  “Got everything you need?” Lanie asked.

  “I think so.” She studied the monitor and scrolled down. “Uh oh. We just got an order for twenty pounds of peanut brittle. If you can get it done, it can go out tomorrow.”

  “No problem,” Lanie said cheerfully.

  Peanuts. Luke shuddered. “You’re going to make twenty pounds of peanut brittle before tomorrow?” he asked.

  “Of course. We do a big Internet business and I don’t make the candy until it’s ordered. It has to be fresh. I promise next day shipping on orders that come in before noon, so we’re not obligated to get that order out tomorrow. But a happy customer is a repeat customer.”

  “Not in my line of work,” Luke said. “My customers are rarely happy and they almost always repeat.”

  Lanie threw back her head and her laughter rang out like schoolyard magic. It had been a long time since he’d made anyone laugh, at least not a natural laugh. “Maybe you should give them candy. Allison can talk to you about a corporate discount.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Lanie opened the stairwell door across the hall from the shipping room. “Are you ready to go up?” She mounted the stairs and looked over her shoulder. “The stairwell is fireproof. My grandmother had just started renovating when she got sick. I finished it. Everything is up to code.”

  Lanie was just enough ahead of him that her ass stayed level with his eyes. He might have found it appealing if candy hadn’t been dancing across it. Okay, so it was appealing. Not for him, but very appealing. He was grateful when they landed in the hallway of the second story and were at the same level again. He hadn’t noticed before that Lanie was so tall. If she’d been standing very close to him, her head might have brushed his chin and he was 6’2".

  Carrie had always claimed he was a pushover for long legs — claimed she could tell by watching him when they were at the beach. She would laugh and say he could look at those Amazons all he wanted — that she knew he loved her in spite of her short legs. She was right about one thing. He had loved her, though not in spite of or because of anything. He still did.

  Lanie opened the door at the end of the hall that ran between the two apartments. “This is the balcony.” She gestured to some covered patio furniture and empty flower boxes. “I keep it nice during good weather, though it’s not at its best right now.”

  Luke stepped out on the lacy wrought iron balcony and was astounded at what he didn’t see. He’d expected what one usually found in the space between backdoors of businesses — alleys, dumpsters, weedy gravely parking places. Instead, the alleys were bordered by brick walls, adorned with lantern-shaped lights. In between was a little park with benches, picnic tables, and a wooden castle play set comprised of swings, slides, and climbing bars. The backdoors of the businesses across the alley from Heavenly Confections, as well as those down the street, all had neat pleasing appearances with balconies — all wrought iron like Lanie’s, but different in style and color. If he bent over the rail, he could see the parking pad Lanie had mentioned.

  “This is a surprise,” Luke said.

  Lanie seemed pleased that he had noticed. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it? It was part of the Downtown Revitalization Committee’s plans. They also encouraged storeowners to restore the apartments above their businesses and most everyone in town did. Most hadn’t been used since the 1950s. I think I have the last vacant one.”

  “Do all the businesses on this block have apartments?”

  “Not all.” She pointed next door to Kincaid Insurance. “Mr. Kincaid had already turned his upstairs space into storage and an employee lounge, but he redid the back of the building in keeping with the rest of us.” She pointed across the alley. “That’s Miss Annelle’s interior design shop. She did it in an art deco style and liked it so much that she moved from her house up there. You know my friend Lucy Mead? That’s her niece. She lives in Miss Annelle’s house now.”

  Lanie moved to lean on the rail. Luke wanted to tell her not to lean there but caught himself.

  “Byron Masters lives above Creekview books and some newlyweds just moved in above Jack and Jill Children’s Shop. I don’t know them yet.” She pointed down the block. “The Lemon Tree — that’s a gift shop — had some plumbing problems. They aren’t finished yet. Anyway. Our block was the only one that had room for a pocket park and we’re very proud of it. The Garden Club keeps up the flowers and Rotary had the castle custom made. I’m sure your little girl would love it.”

  “Is the park safe?” Luke asked.

  “Safe?” Lanie looked at him like he’d grown another head. “As in, are there shootouts and drug deals?”

  “It’s a valid question.”

  “Not to my knowledge, though Justin Eubanks went down the slide backwards last week and didn’t come to a good end. It took a piece of fudge and a raspberry lemon lollipop to make him happy again.”

  If she saw what came across his desk, she wouldn’t be so cavalier — though he had to admit Merritt was pretty mild compared to Mobile.

  A cold gust of wind whipped Lanie’s apron around her knees and she shivered and stepped back inside.

  Luke inspected the lock on the balcony door. He didn’t like what he saw. “Will you install a deadbolt on this door? About here?” He pointed to a place, even with his head. “Out of child reach?”

  Lanie nodded. “If you decide to take the place, I’ll get someone over to do that.”

  The hallway was clean but nothing special, with a concrete floor. “Would it be possible for my little girl to ride her tricycle in this hall if I keep her quiet?” Luke asked.

  “Oh, yes!” Lanie laughed a delighted little laugh. “Toddlers aren’t supposed to be quiet. She won’t disturb me.”

  “This particular toddler can be pretty rambunctious.”

  “I’m the oldest of five. I can assure you one little girl will not faze me.”

  It occurred to Luke that they were both acting like this was a done deal and it was too soon for that. Regardless of the other advantages, he couldn’t live in a place that looked like the Sugar Plum Fairy had waved her magic wand over it.

  “Maybe we’d better see inside,” he said.

  As he’d expected, the apartment was small — kitchen, living room, one bath, two modest-sized bedrooms and another not much bigger than a walk-in closet. The Sugar Plum Fairy had been kept at bay, and the renovations were more upscale than he’d expected. No one could argue that the glossy wood floors, granite counter tops, high-end bathroom fixtures, and stainless steel appliances weren’t nice. It was just unusual for an apartment this size.

  Once back in the living room, Lanie removed the ornate brass cover from the small coal burning fireplace. “The mantle and fireplace are original. I had gas coals installed.” She flipped a switch and blue and golden flames came to life.

  He chased away any fantasy he might have been tempted to call up of long bare legs stretched out in front of that fireplace.
  “Did you do the decorating?” he asked to distract himself.

  “Yes,” she said proudly. “I hope you don’t think the color scheme is boring. I learned in a design class that if you don’t know who will be living in a space, it’s best to use a neutral palette.”

  “So you’re a trained interior designer?”

  “No.” She looked sheepish. “I thought at one time it might be a possibility, but it turned out not to be for me. But if you need someone, Lucy is a great designer.” She met his eyes again and bit her lip. “So what do you think? Are you interested?” Her tone begged him to take her to the prom.

  “How much is the rent?” he asked.

  She recoiled, actually recoiled, before naming a figure. He had to work to keep his mouth from dropping open. It was an absurd amount for an apartment this size with one bathroom, no dining room, and no laundry room. It might not be unfair for the upscale trappings, but it did explain why the apartment was vacant. The rent was more than anyone in his right mind would pay. But he wasn’t in his right mind — hadn’t been for a long time.

  There was no way the king-sized bed from his Mobile house would fit in the master bedroom — at least not and leave room for much else. But he could buy something new. Maybe that wasn’t a bad idea. Maybe he should get rid of all that stuff in storage. There were some things of Carrie’s that should be set aside for Emma, but the rest could go. He felt a pang of regret at the thought of never again sleeping in the bed where he and Carrie had laughed and loved and made Emma, but what comfort could it bring anyway? There was no comfort; there was only alone.

  Lanie reached down and rubbed the place on her thigh that she had inspected earlier. A flash of pain crossed her face — maybe from her bruise, or maybe from the certain knowledge that he was going to tell her he wasn’t interested — which he should do. But he needed a place to live and he had more money than energy.

  However, there was a concern she would have to satisfy. “How long has it been since the locks were changed on this building?”

  Lanie’s green eyes went blank. “I don’t know. Maybe never.”

  “So you don’t know who might have keys?”

  “I would assume no one, except Kathryn, Allison, and me.”

  “So you know for sure that your grandmother never gave a set to an employee? You never gave keys to anyone while you were renovating?”

  “Well.” She wrinkled her brow. “I got them back and I have a security system.”

  “Which means nothing if someone has a key and a code. Before I can sign a lease, you’d have to agree to install commercial locks with non-reproducible keys on all the doors. And I’ll go ahead and tell you that’s a deal breaker.” It would be expensive but for what she was charging she ought to be able to afford it. She certainly hadn’t minded spending a fortune on custom closet systems and a whirlpool tub.

  She looked at him without blinking. It was Luke’s business to read people and he was rarely wrong. Unless this was one of those rare times, she was trying to decide if the locks really needed to be changed or if he was trying to make her do something because he said so. And she was trying to decide if he was worth the effort for the rent.

  He needed out of that farmhouse.

  “Look,” he said. “I want this apartment but I won’t rent it unless you do this. I’ve made enemies in the courtroom as a DA and more since I’ve been on the bench. I have to make sure my child is safe.”

  She bit her bottom lip and nodded. “All right. Yes. I’ll call someone tomorrow.”

  “Good. Let’s go down to your office. We’ll work out the other details and I’ll write you a check.” A few phone calls, a check, and he had a place to live where he could start fresh. Maybe.

  “I’ll make us an espresso,” Lanie offered as she made her way toward the stairwell.

  “Lanie, did Lucy decorate your shop?” He would need someone to put together some rugs and furniture for him and maybe make Emma’s room look more little girl-like but if Lucy Mead had decorated that shop, it wasn’t going to be her.

  Lanie looked over her shoulder and beamed at him. “No. I did it all by myself — well, the design. I didn’t actually do the painting. I wanted it to be magic. When people walk in my shop, I want them to think of Easter baskets, Christmas candy, Candy Land, Halloween, and Valentine’s Day. Did you notice the chocolate stars on the ceiling?” She waved her hands excitedly. “My great-grandmother started the business making chocolate stars in her kitchen and they’re our trademark. That’s why I put them on the ceiling — so they can smile down on everyone. I thought of outlining them in silver glitter so they would show up better, but I decided it would be best if they look like they really do. Don’t you think that was better?”

  “Oh, yes.” And he did agree. Glitter never improved anything.


  At Lou Anne’s Diner, Lanie slid into the booth across from Tolly. Though their food was already on the table, Tolly sat with her hands folded in her lap. She would have walked naked down Main Street before she would have started eating before Lanie arrived. Tolly wore her debutante training like her silk blouses and pearls.

  “Sorry I’m late.” Lanie folded her napkin into her lap. “Kathryn had to go the dentist and I had to watch the front.”

  “No problem,” Tolly said. “I ordered for you. Chicken salad plate. No pea salad. Extra fruit.”

  “I am predictable.” Lanie squeezed the lemon into her iced tea. “One of these days I’m going to do something really wild like get the meatloaf.”

  “I think letting Luke Avery move into your building is about all the wildness you can manage for a while.”

  “You have no idea.”

  “Is he sleeping there yet?” Tolly picked up her fork and speared a piece of boiled egg from her chef’s salad.

  “No. That’s supposed to happen tonight. Not that I’ve talked to him since he signed the lease. I’m getting all my information from Lucy. I hope she’s charging him a fortune because he’s running her ragged.”

  “You haven’t seen him? How does someone move in somewhere without putting in an appearance?” Tolly asked.

  “Lucy. I tell you, he’s about to kill her — and me. I swear that man does nothing for himself. In the last week, there’s been a steady stream of people though at all hours of the day and night — furniture deliveries, insurance agents, movers, and painters. Let this person in. Sign for that delivery. Email him the security code. This morning a cleaning service came to put sheets on the beds and unpack and wash dishes. There’s a truck on my parking pad right now with what I assume is the last of his stuff. I’m sure some underling will show up soon to unload it.”

  “Welcome to Judge Land. There’s not a more arrogant bunch on the face of the earth. But at least Luke is a good one. I have to admit he’s smart and fair even if things don’t always go as I’d like in his courtroom.”

  “That reminds me,” Lanie fished an envelope out of the pocket of her chef’s pants. “I finally got the locks changed. Since you have court this afternoon, would you mind dropping his keys with Olive? She called me this morning to instruct me to bring them to him.”

  “I’ll be glad to.” Tolly put the envelope in her purse.

  “Thanks. Allison is watching the front and I need to get back so she can get today’s orders finished up. Life will be so much easier once I hire another full-time person. Though I’m beginning to wonder if it’s worth all the trouble Luke is causing.”

  “Once he gets settled in, maybe he won’t be any trouble.”

  “I’m sure you’re right,” Lanie said. “I probably won’t even see him.”

  • • •

  Lanie always breathed a sigh of relief at the end of the day when she was alone in Heavenly Confections and there had been no major catastrophes. Someone who had made a
s many bad life choices as she had would never take smooth sailing for granted. This was her favorite time of the day. The doors were locked, the kitchen was clean, and there was no smell of burned sugar in the air. She just needed to clean the coffee machine and turn off the lights. She didn’t even have to make candy tonight. Maybe she’d call Nathan and see if he wanted to get some dinner. Then again, the thought of settling in with a can of soup and her book club book was very appealing.

  She was weighing the advantages of the options when a bright green Porsche pulled in front of the shop. There was only one of those in Merritt. Luke Avery got out, looked toward the door, and waved. So she pasted on a smile and moved to unlock the door. After all, she had his fat rent check, not to mention his hefty security deposit.

  “Hello,” Lanie said cheerfully from the doorway.

  “Are we too late?” he asked as he made his way toward the passenger door. “I wanted to introduce you to my daughter. I like for her to know who the safe adults are.”

  “No problem. Come in.” Well, if that wasn’t right out of Miss Manners.

  He nodded slightly and opened the car door. The child he lifted from the car seat had a halo of black curls and a chubby face that was in transition from baby to little girl. Though healthy looking and rosy cheeked, she was small for three. Lanie would have put her closer to two. Luke’s wife must have been petite. The child wore smocked corduroy overalls printed with ladybugs and her red Keds matched the crooked bow in her hair. Luke set her on the sidewalk and patted her little bottom that was plump with a diaper.

  “Stand still, honeybee,” Luke said in a gentle voice. “Daddy needs to get your backpack.”

  It was difficult to imagine Luke having a gentle voice or using a term of endearment, but there it was. Lanie stepped onto the sidewalk and smiled at the child.

  Emma smiled back and every light in the universe went on. This child was magic, fairy dust, and everything good that would ever happen to anyone. Her eyes were the same Windex blue as Luke’s but, unlike his, hers sparkled with life and happiness. She broke into a run toward Lanie, giggling the whole way.